Answers to the most frequently asked questions
How GameRefinery counts downloads & revenue?
How motivations are formed in GameRefinery?
How do you keep the game database up to date?
How do you analyze the games in your database? Do you rate the games somehow?
Why do you analyze the games manually and not by using automated systems instead?
What is the correlation between Top Grossing ranking, POWERSCORE® and their statistical significance?
What factors do you consider when adding new games to your database?
How are POWERSCORE® and feature effects generated?
Do you have an API that I could use to add GameRefinery data to our company dashboards?
Why games with low POWERSCORE® perform well in Top Grossing list occasionally?
How can your model take into account something that hasn’t been seen in the industry before, e.g. totally unique and new mechanics?
How do you measure the "level" of Publisher Success and Brand effect?
How do you define Skill-based vs. Thinking-based?
Active User (DAU/MAU) - metrics & methodology