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How can I dissect the reference game I had in mind?
How can I dissect the reference game I had in mind?

Learn how GameRefinery can be used to understand reference games mechanics, updates, features and much more!

Tomek Chudziński avatar
Written by Tomek Chudziński
Updated over a week ago

The best way to start dissecting the reference game you have in mind is to first find its game overview page to find out if it’s analyzed.
If the game is not analyzed or up to date please use the suggest function so your CSM can inform you when the game analysis is completed.

If the game is analyzed then move into the games overview page.
In this example we will use Solitaire Grand Harvest .

On the game overview page you are able to find three key areas to help understand:
- What makes the game work
- Who are its competitors and
- Current audience

Update History & Features - What makes the game work
These two pages help you to understand the liveops of the reference game and the features they have implemented in.

Update History allows you to know what kind of updates the developers are running in their game or what kind of features they have added in after the softlaunch. Both with full comments.

Features tab has all the current features listed. Based on your point of interest, you can change the filters to example understand its monetization, retention loops or core mechanics.

Understanding its competitors

Based on the features implemented in the game, GameRefinery is able to provide a list of games with similar features, cores and meta. This tab allows you to have all of them listed out to further find references or understand the current market landscape better.

Current audience

Game overview pages host two data points regarding the players:
- Demographic data – Available on the front page under the summary-part
- Motivations – How the game resonates with the 12 motivational drivers and who the players of this game might be like

By pressing the SEE FEATURE EFFECTS button per motivational driver, you can see which features implemented in the specific game help it to be so strong with that driver.
This gives you a better understanding of how certain loops & design decisions affect the motivational drivers and hence the audience's preference for the game.

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