How can I reiterate my MVP build?

Learn how GameRefinery can help you in polishing and reiterating your MVP build. Clearer the goals, better the results!

Tomek Chudziński avatar
Written by Tomek Chudziński
Updated over a week ago

How can I reiterate my MVP build?

It is important that in this stage you have built your MVP in Game Analyzer.
If you have not done so yet please refer to the instructional video available in the Data Glossary video section.

Creating iterations of MVP builds is easy and straightforward:
1. Access your MVPs Game Overview page
2. Click the clone button
3. Create a new duplicate of the existing project
4. Begin reiterating features you plan to have in your game

Every completed project in Game Analyzer has its own Game Overview page.
These Game Overview Pages have a clone function button which allows you to create a duplicate of your project for further iteration.

The button can be found in the upper right corner of the Game Overview page.

Clicking this button leads to the creation of a new Game Analyzer project which has the same feature set as the game you chose to clone!

Fill in all the vital information which would make managing multiple iterations easy. The best practice is to keep the game's project name the same but give a second name for the iteration.
Match3 PvP Game Prototype = Match3 PvP Game Prototype – Retention version etc.

Save the version and you can begin swapping the features to reiterate its feature composition.
After finishing the feature changes click the green “calculate powerscore” and your reiteration is ready!

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